
chucu lunala derecha: 2013

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Errors in Setting Time

How well do you manage your time? Perhaps you feel overloaded, and you often have to work overtime to meet deadlines. It may also be your days off from such a crisis and then into another crisis. It certainly makes you stressed and discouraged. When able to manage your time well, we can be very productive at work, and stress levels are decreasing. We can divide the time for interesting projects with a high return that can bring about real change in career. In short, we are happy! Avoid these mistakes if you want to be very productive:

Many people know that time can be adjusted to make it more effective. However, it may be difficult to identify the mistakes we make and do not know how to fix it.

In this article, we will discuss the top ten mistakes in managing the most frequently performed. We will also identify strategies and tips that can be used to overcome them.

Mistake # 1. Following Failed To-Do List


Have you ever felt annoyed by forgetting to perform an important part of the job? If so, you may not use the To-Do List in this work. Alternatively, if you do, maybe you do not use it effectively!

Tricks to use To-Do Lists effectively lies in how to prioritize tasks on your list. Many people use the system code A - F (A for high priority, F for very low priority). As an alternative, you can simplify this by using codes A through D, or by using numbers.

If you have a big project on your list, then, unless you're the type of detail and meticulous, the entry for this project could be unclear and ineffective. For example, you might write "Starting the budget proposal." But what does that mean? It is less specific here can make you procrastinate or forget an important step. So make sure you break a large task or project into steps that are specific, realistic and actionable. So, you will not miss anything important.

You can also use the Work Programme to manage the work. This is useful when you have a lot of big projects that need to be resolved at once.

Mistake # 2. Not Define Target

Do you know where you want to be six months? How about the next one year, or 10 years from now? If not, it's time to define some personal goals!

Personal goal setting is important to manage your time well, for the purpose of providing direction and vision at work. When you know what you want to achieve, you can manage your priorities, time, and resources to Andamenuju there. The purpose is also to help you to decide what is feasible given more time, and what can only be a distraction.

To determine how to set goals effectively and intelligently, read Locke's Goal Setting Theory. Here, you will learn how to set clear goals, so that you stay motivated.

You may also be interested in the book Book Insight into "Long Fuse, Big Bang" which dtulis by Eric Haseltine. This book teaches you how to stay focused on your long-term goals without ignoring the short-term priority.

Mistake # 3. Not Prioritize

While there are many things to be done, look at priorities

While there are many things to be done, look at priorities
Assistant You have just found the problem needs urgent crisis that he's talking to you, but you're brainstorming for new ideas. Are you sure that you almost got a brilliant idea for a marketing campaign, but now you risk losing this inspiration because of the "emergency" your assistant.

Sometimes, it is difficult to determine the priority, especially when you face an urgent task that came like a flood. However, if you want to manage your time better, it is important to learn how to prioritize tasks effectively Andasecara.

A way that can help you set priorities effectively is MatrixMendesak / Important. It will help you understand the difference between urgent and important activity events. You will also learn how to resolve the situation in order to stay focused on what is urgent.

Action Priority Matrix is ​​another useful tool, which will help Andamenentukan classified duty assignment if a value / high priority, or rendah-nilai/hanya job. Management of your time would be much better if you know the difference.

Mistake # 4. Facing Failure Disorders
Did you know that many of us can lose as much as two hours a day because of interference? Think about how many things you can do if you can get it back! These disorders can come from an email, IM chats, friends who are having trouble, or a phone call from a client. Disturbances prevented us from reaching a state of "flow", which is the state while doing the job satisfactorily and smoothly, which occurs when we are 100 percent involved in the task.

If you want to control your day, can do your work in the best conditions, it is important to know how to minimize disruption and disturbance to face effectively.

A simple example, turn off chat when you have to focus, or let your friends know when you're busy. You also have to learn how to improve your concentration, even when you're dealing with the disorder.

Mistake # 5. Delay
The delay occurs when you put the tasks that should be the center of your attention now. If you procrastinate, you'll feel guilty for not starting any. There will be feelings of fear to work, and finally, it all began to fall due. This may cause you fail to complete the work on time.

For example, a strategy can be a powerful, telling yourself that you're just going to start a project for ten minutes. Often, procrastinators feel that they have to complete the task from start to finish. High hopes this makes them feel heavy and anxious. Instead, focus on the little time that needs to be paid to start. That's it!

You may also feel that the use of the Action Plan would be beneficial. It helps you to break a large project into steps that are smaller and easier to do. Given these steps, it is easy to see everything that you need, so that small pieces can be completed at any given time. This strategy can relieve you when you start a new project.

Mistake # 6: Taking too much work

Are you a person who is hard to say "no" to others? If so, maybe you have too many projects and commitments on your plate. This can lead to poor performance, stress, and low morale. Or, you might be a "micromanager", ie someone who insists on controlling or do all the work themselves, because they do not trust anyone else to do it right. This can be a problem for everyone, not just managers.

In other words, take on too many tasks is an example of poor time management. It can create a reputation that is not good for you, for example, people think you work in a hurry or careless work.

To avoid this situation, learn the art of smooth talking, so you can say "yes" to the people, but "no" to the task. These skills help you assert yourself, while still mempertahankankeadaan harmony in the group. If other people start to rely on you, hoping for a "yes" answer to their queries, learn to analyze your situation and remain calm under pressure.

Mistake # 7: Developing as "Busy"
Some people are in a hurry because I was busy, even said the new animated when beaten a lot of tasks. Short deadlines, emails that piled, piles of files that need to be done at the table, the meeting should be attended immediately, of course, all this adrenaline!

Despite sometimes being at work everyday, "busy addiction" does not mean you are effective, otherwise this often leads to stress. Instead of a rush because I was busy, try to slow down, and learn to manage your time better.

Mistake # 8. Multitasking
To cope with the workload, Linda often write emails while talking on the phone with clients. While Linda thinks that it can streamline the time, actually required 20-40 percent more time to complete two jobs in a multitasking, compared to the same task one by one. Both work also resulted in poor quality, email full of errors, and client frustration talking less concentration.

So the best way is to forget about multitasking, and, instead, focus on one task at a time. That way, you will produce high-quality work. Experts we interviewed Dave Crenshaw. Studying the book Myth of Multitasking, will give you a light to the method of multitasking. This will help you to manage simultaneous projects more effectively.

Mistake # 9. Not Taking Pause Break
 You think that can work non-stop for 8-10 hours, or even overtime until the morning, especially when you're chasing a deadline. However, it is impossible for anyone to really focus and produce high-quality work, without giving their brains some time to rest.

So, do not take breaks as "wasting time." They produce valuable down-time, which will allow you to think creatively and work effectively. If it is difficult for you to stop working, then schedule breaks for yourself, or set an alarm as a reminder. Go take a walk for a while, grab a cup of coffee, sit back or do meditation at your desk. Try to break five minutes every one or two hours, and make sure that you give yourself enough time to eat lunch. You will not produce high-quality work if you starve!

Mistake # 10. Scheduling Tasks with Ineffective
Are you a morning person? Or do you feel your energy MAGs after the sun begins to set in the afternoon? Everyone has a different rhythm, a different time that is where we feel most productive and energetic. You can utilize your best time, with high-value work schedule during peak time, and low-energy work (such as making phone calls and checking email), during which time "down" you.

Important key
One of the most effective ways to increase productivity is to acknowledge and correct errors in the set time. When you take the time to resolve these errors, you will experience a huge increase in productivity. You will be happier, and stress goes down!